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Tips on the Road to Rehabilitation

  • Don't let your insurance company dictate your rehabilitation provider after an accident. You are free to choose.

  • Weekly treatments are required for meaningful progress.

  • Multidisciplinary rehabilitation that includes active ( e.g. chiropractic, stretching, strengthening) and passive modalities (e.g. massage, IFC, acupuncture) is better for healing your whole body.

  • Talk to your doctor about your rehabilitation program so that there is coordination of your care.

  • Counselling is important for rebuilding your psychological strength. You risk depression, anxiety, and chronic pain if you avoid talking to about your feelings. Seek out supportive dialogues.

  • Be patient. It takes time to heal. Many injuries require long term treatment.

We are here to assist you with your rehabilitation after an injury. Call us at 416-644-3999 for a free and confidential consultation or email:

Updated: Dec 5, 2021

If you are considering submitting a disability insurance claim, or have been denied disability, the following are significant:

  • Timing. If you are instructed to apply for disability, make sure you communicate with your employer and the insurance provider about meeting deadlines. If you don't know the application deadline, ask for clarification. You don't want to miss a limitations deadline.

  • Go to your doctor and tell them you want to apply for disability. Your insurance provider is going to ask for proof that you discussed disability with a medical doctor / family physician.

  • Keep records of your treatments with physiotherapists, chiropractors, psychologists etc. in your phone or a journal to prove you are regularly getting care. This is called mitigation. Insurance providers always want proof you are following usual and customary treatment for a disabling condition.

  • Take notes on ALL conversations you have on the phone or emails with the insurance company and your assigned disability case manager or employer assistance. If your claim is denied, the file notes containing what was said about your disability are critical evidence.

  • Be honest with your doctor about your mental and physical health. Frequently patients only talk about their most serious symptom with their doctor and that's all that is recorded in a patient record for one visit. Disability cases are frequently decided based on multiple symptoms caused by injuries or disease.

  • Assume that the insurance company is checking your social media, your online activity, and may even hire a private investigator to follow you. If you participate in public activities and post about them, the insurance company may use your posting as "proof" that you are not disabled.

SLSPC offers free, confidential consultations at 416-644-3999 or We have been in business since 1998, and have assisted thousands of clients with disability claims from all of the major insurance companies.

  • slspc

* Multidisciplinary rehabilitation [massage, acupuncture, TENS, ultrasound, laser, percussion]

* Ice / heat

* Physiotherapy exercises [stretching, strengthening]

* Rest / sleep

* Medications for pain, inflammation, muscle spasm [see your doctor]

Whiplash is an incredibly common motor vehicle accident injury, and one that can significantly diminish quality of life, work productivity, and participation in daily activities. your ability to work and your quality of life. Unfortunately whiplash treatment programs don’t always successfully resolve symptoms, leaving patients with prolonged or chronic pain and disability.

Neck pain, stiffness, and functional restrictions resulting from motor vehicle accidents are referred to clinically as whiplash-associated disorders (WAD), and are graded on a scale of severity from I - IV. The majority of whiplash cases are classified as a WAD I - III, meaning that the patient doesn't require surgery. Instead, patients with WAD I, II, or III are cared for using conservative treatment strategies such as multidisciplinary rehabilitation and medication.

Why do whiplash treatments fail to work for some people?

Most patients with WAD I, II, or III recover from their injury within 3 - 6 months while a small subset go on to develop and suffer from chronic pain and disability. Patient risk factors for whiplash treatment failure include:

* Age. Older patients are more at risk of chronic whiplash symptoms.

* Prior history of neck pain. If you were already suffering, you are more likely to keep suffering.

* High levels of initial pain and disability following the car accident.

* Low mood and feelings of depression about levels of pain and disability.

* PTSD / symptoms of an acute stress disorder within the first four weeks of injury.

* Patient avoids activities due to fear of further pain or injury (kinesiophobia).

If you have questions about your whiplash injuries sustained in an accident, call 416-644-3999 or Consultation is free and confidential.

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